You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.5. INVENTORY Menu: Purchasing and Stock Control > 1.5.4. Inventory - Automatic Purchase Orders > Creating a New Automatic Purchase Order Batch > Setting up Automatic Transfers
Setting up Automatic Transfers

You can use the Automatic Purchase Orders program in Micronet to create automatic transfers of stock between warehouses based on minimum and maximum stock levels. This topic provides an overview of the configuration and processing steps, with links to the appropriate topics for more detailed information.

This example uses four warehouses - one pick (bulk) and three alternate warehouses.

To use the Automatic Purchase Orders program for stock transfers:

  1. Set a preferred supplier for each item in the Inventory master file.

Before an item can be automatically transferred or purchased, you must enter a preferred supplier in the Supplier Preferred field.

Refer to "File - Inventory - Item".

  1. Setup an order class for automatic purchasing and transfers.

Order classes allow you to limit the items and warehouses that Micronet checks for automatic purchases and transfers. Set the Order Type to Auto Ordering.

Refer to "Inventory - Stock Control - Order Class Update".

  1. Enter Min Stock and Max Stock values for the bulk warehouse so that when stock on hand drops below the minimum level, if stock exists in another warehouse it will be automatically added to the transfer.

Refer to "File - Inventory - Purchasing".

  1. Set the Order Class for the warehouses you wish to transfer to and from.

In our example, we don't want to transfer stock with warehouse 7-Alternate - QLD, so the order class is not set for that warehouse.

Refer to "File - Inventory - Purchasing".

  1. Create a new automatic transfer batch.

Refer to "Creating a New Automatic Purchase Order Batch".

  1. Set the following fields on the Automatic Purchase Order Header screen:





Create Orders for Stock

Set to Order Class Stock. Refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Method Selection".


Warehouse Number

Set to the location of your bulk warehouse, in this case 1. Refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Selection Criteria".


Order Class Type

Set to Auto. Refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Selection Criteria".


Automatic Stock Transfers

Set to Yes. Refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Overriding Factors".


Transfer to Transit W/H

Set to Paperless. Refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Overriding Factors".


Consider Maximum Stock

Set to Yes - Always. Refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Overriding Factors".


Consider Minimum Stock

Set to Yes - Always. Refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Overriding Factors".

  1. Select CREATE.

Micronet builds the list of items to be transferred and then redisplays the Automatic Purchase Order screen showing those items.

Refer to "Generating the List of Items to Order".

  1. If required, you can double click on any item and adjust the details as required before the transfer is created.

Refer to "Maintaining Automatic Purchase Order Lines" and "Automatic Purchase Order - Edit Menu Options".

  1. Complete the automatic transfer batch by printing a verification report if required and then posting the batch.

Because you set the Transfer to Transit W/H field to Paperless, Micronet posts the transfers to the paperless queue for download.


Technical Tip

If you have printed a verification report and want to use it as a guide to create the transfers on a PDA, you can delete the batch rather than posting it.